技术热线: 4007-888-234

DMX512 to Analog Voltage Converter

更新时间: 2019-03-23

; DMX512 to Analog Voltage Converter

; Copyright (C) 2001 by Kelly J. Kohls

; All rights reserved

; Version 1.12; December 31, 2001

; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

; of the License, or any later version.

; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


; GNU General Public License for more details.

; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

; Author may be reached at: n5tle@qsl.net

                       LIST    P=16F876

                       RADIX   DEC

                       INCLUDE__CONFIG (_HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _CP_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _BODEN_ON & _CPD_OFF &


Start_Vector           EQU             0

Interrupt_Vector       EQU             4

Ram_Base               EQU             H'20'

Common_Ram_Base        EQU             H'70'

; Define program constants

Osc_Freq               EQU     20000000

Baud_Rate              EQU     250000

Baud_Rate_Constant     EQU     (Osc_Freq/(16*Baud_Rate))-1

Number_Of_Channels     EQU     16

Number_Of_DACS         EQU     16

Range_Const_H          EQU     (512 - Number_Of_Channels + 1) >> 8

Range_Const_L          EQU     (512 - Number_Of_Channels + 1) & H'0FF'

Valid_Break            EQU     0

Valid_SC               EQU     1

Valid_Data             EQU     2

; Define DAC8800 control ports

#DEFINE                Clear_Bar       PORTA,0

#DEFINE                Clock           PORTA,1

#DEFINE                SDI             PORTA,2

#DEFINE                Load2_Bar       PORTA,3   ; DAC channels 9-16

#DEFINE                Load1_Bar       PORTA,5   ; DAC channels 1-8

; Define BCD switch control/data ports

#DEFINE                BCD1            PORTB,0

#DEFINE                BCD2            PORTB,1

#DEFINE                BCD4            PORTB,2

#DEFINE                BCD8            PORTB,3

#DEFINE                Ones_Digit      PORTB,4

#DEFINE                Tens_Digit      PORTB,5

#DEFINE                Hundreds_Digit  PORTB,6

; Define data received LED control port

#DEFINE                Data_Rec_LED    PORTB,7

; Define relay control ports

#DEFINE                Relays_9_16     PORTC,0

#DEFINE                Relays_1_8      PORTC,1

; Define option jumper port

#DEFINE                Option_Jumper   PORTC,2

; Define debug LED control ports

#DEFINE                HW_Overrun_LED  PORTC,4

#DEFINE                SW_Overrun_LED  PORTC,5

; Set up RAM

; Define interrupt handler variables

    CBLOCK Common_Ram_Base












    CBLOCK Ram_Base

; Define program specific variables





; Define DMX512 specific variables




; Define multiply routine local variables



; Define BCD switch variables






; Define Dimmer Value Array

    Dimmer_Data : Number_Of_Channels


; Start program code

                       ORG     Start_Vector

                       MOVLW   HIGH Start

                       MOVWF   PCLATH

                       GOTO    Start

; Interrupt handler

                       ORG     Interrupt_Vector

                       MOVWF   Int_W                 ; Save PIC state

                       SWAPF   STATUS,W

                       CLRF    STATUS

                       MOVWF   Int_Status

                       MOVF    PCLATH,W

                       MOVWF   Int_PCLath

                       CLRF    PCLATH

                       BCF     STATUS,IRP

                       MOVF    FSR,W

                       MOVWF   Int_FSR



                       BSF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 1

                       BTFSC   PIE1,RCIE             ; Is UART interrupt enabled ?

                       GOTO    IH_UART_Bank_Zero     ; Yes

                       BCF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 0

                       GOTO    IH_Check_Timer1_IE    ; Check Timer 1 IE


                       BCF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 0


                       BTFSS   PIR1,RCIF             ; UART interrupt pending ?

                       GOTO    IH_Check_Timer1_IE    ; No, check Timer 1 IE

                       BCF     Data_Rec_LED          ; Turn on data rec indicator

                       BSF     Relays_1_8            ; Turn relays 1-8 on

                       BSF     Relays_9_16           ; Turn relays 9-16 on

                       BSF     Int_RX_Status,Valid_Data

                       CLRF    TMR1L                 ; Clear timer registers

                       CLRF    TMR1H

                       BCF     PIR1,TMR1IF           ; Clear timer interrupt flag

                       BSF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 1

                       BSF     PIE1,TMR1IE           ; Allow timer interrupts

                       BCF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 0

                       MOVF    RCREG,W

                       MOVWF   Int_RX_Data

                       BTFSC   RCSTA,OERR            ; Has a HW overrun occurred ?

                       GOTO    IH_RX_HW_Overrun      ; Yes, turn on error LED

                       BTFSS   RCSTA,FERR            ; No, has a framing error occurred ?

                       GOTO    IH_Check_Valid_Break  ; No

                       BCF     RCSTA,CREN            ; Yes, reset UART

                       BSF     RCSTA,CREN            ;     receive logic

                       BSF     Int_RX_Status,Valid_Break

                       CLRF    Int_Dimmer_Count_H

                       CLRF    Int_Dimmer_Count_L

                       CLRF    Int_Dimmer_Index

                       GOTO    IH_Interrupt_Poll


                       BTFSS   Int_RX_Status,Valid_Break

                       GOTO    IH_Interrupt_Poll

                       MOVF    Int_Dimmer_Count_L,F

                       BTFSS   STATUS,Z

                       GOTO    IH_Check_Valid_SC

                       MOVF    Int_Dimmer_Count_H,F

                       BTFSS   STATUS,Z

                       GOTO    IH_Check_Valid_SC                       

                       BCF     Int_RX_Status,Valid_SC

                       MOVF    DMX_Start_Code,W      ; No, retrieve our start code

                       XORWF   Int_RX_Data,W         ; Compare the two codes

                       BTFSC   STATUS,Z

                       BSF     Int_RX_Status,Valid_SC

                       GOTO    IH_Inc_Dimmer_Num



                       BTFSS   Int_RX_Status,Valid_SC

                       GOTO    IH_Interrupt_Poll

                       MOVF    Int_Dimmer_Index,W    ; Have we saved all values?

                       XORLW   Number_Of_Channels

                       BTFSC   STATUS,Z

                       GOTO    IH_Inc_Dimmer_Num

                       MOVF    DMX_Start_Addr_H,W

                       SUBWF   Int_Dimmer_Count_H,W

                       MOVWF   Int_Temp_Diff_H

                       MOVF    DMX_Start_Addr_L,W

                       SUBWF   Int_Dimmer_Count_L,W

                       BTFSS   STATUS,C

                       DECF    Int_Temp_Diff_H,F

                       BTFSC   Int_Temp_Diff_H,7

                       GOTO    IH_Inc_Dimmer_Num

                       MOVLW   Dimmer_Data           ; Load buffer address

                       ADDWF   Int_Dimmer_Index,W    ; Add offset

                       MOVWF   FSR                   ; Load address into indirect register

                       MOVF    Int_RX_Data,W         ; Get received data from UART

                       MOVWF   INDF                  ; Store data into buffer

                       INCF    Int_Dimmer_Index,F


                       INCF    Int_Dimmer_Count_L,F

                       BTFSC   STATUS,Z

                       INCF    Int_Dimmer_Count_H,F

                       GOTO    IH_Interrupt_Poll


                       BCF     RCSTA,CREN            ; Reset UART

                       BSF     RCSTA,CREN            ;    receive logic

                       BCF     HW_Overrun_LED        ; Turn on hardware overrun LED

                       GOTO    IH_Interrupt_Poll


                       BSF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 1

                       BTFSC   PIE1,TMR1IE           ; Is timer 1 interrupt enabled ?

                       GOTO    IH_Timer1_Bank_Zero   ; Yes

                       BCF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 0

                       GOTO    IH_Exit               ; Exit


                       BCF     STATUS, RP0           ; Switch to bank 0               


                       BTFSS   PIR1,TMR1IF           ; Has the timer overflowed ?

                       GOTO    IH_Exit               ; No, exit

                       BCF     PIR1,TMR1IF           ; Yes, clear timer interrupt flag

                       BSF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 1

                       BCF     PIE1,TMR1IE           ; Prevent further interrupts

                       BCF     STATUS,RP0            ; Switch to bank 0

                       BSF     Data_Rec_LED          ; Turn off data rec indicator

                       BCF     Relays_1_8            ; Turn relays 1-8 off

                       BCF     Relays_9_16           ; Turn relays 9-16 off

                       BCF     Int_RX_Status,Valid_Data

                       GOTO    IH_Interrupt_Poll     ; Finish interrupt routine


                       MOVF    Int_FSR,W             ; Restore PIC state

                       MOVWF   FSR

                       MOVF    Int_PCLath,W

                       MOVWF   PCLATH

                       SWAPF   Int_Status,W

                       MOVWF   STATUS

                       SWAPF   Int_W,F

                       SWAPF   Int_W,W

                       RETFIE                        ; Return from interrupt

Start                  CLRF    PORTA                 ; \

                       CLRF    PORTB                 ;  Clear ports

                       CLRF    PORTC                 ; /

                       BSF     STATUS,RP0            ; Set up port I/O directions

                       MOVLW   B'00010000'

                       MOVWF   TRISA

                       MOVLW   B'00001111'

                       MOVWF   TRISB

                       MOVLW   B'11001100'

                       MOVWF   TRISC

                       MOVLW   B'00000111'

                       MOVWF   ADCON1                ; Set port A as digital I/O

                       BCF     STATUS,RP0

                       BCF     SDI                   ; Set SDI low

                       BCF     Clock                 ; Set Clock low

                       BSF     Load1_Bar             ; Set Load_Bar high - DAC 1

                       BSF     Load2_Bar             ; Set Load_Bar high - DAC 2

                       BSF     Clear_Bar             ; Set Clear_Bar high

                       BCF     Clear_Bar             ;  Reset DAC'S

                       BSF     Clear_Bar             ; /

                       BSF     Data_Rec_LED          ; Turn data received LED off

                       BCF     Relays_1_8            ; Turn relays 1-8 off (future use)

                       BCF     Relays_9_16           ; Turn relays 9-16 off (future use)

                       BSF     HW_Overrun_LED        ; Turn hardware overrun LED off

                       BSF     SW_Overrun_LED        ; Turn software overrun LED off

                       BSF     Ones_Digit            ; Turn off BCD ones digit

                       BSF     Tens_Digit            ; Turn off BCD tens digit

                       BSF     Hundreds_Digit        ; Turn off BCD hundreds digit

; Initialize the dimmer data to zero's

                       CLRF    Loop1

                       MOVLW   Dimmer_Data

                       MOVWF   FSR


                       CLRF    INDF

                       INCF    FSR,F

                       INCF    Loop1,F

                       MOVF    Loop1,W

                       XORLW   Number_Of_Channels

                       BTFSS   STATUS,Z

                       GOTO    Continue_Init

; Initialize interrupt handler variables

                       CLRF    Int_RX_Status

                       CLRF    Int_Dimmer_Count_H

                       CLRF    Int_Dimmer_Count_L

                       CLRF    Int_Dimmer_Index

; Read option jumper (button)

                       CLRF    Config_Data

                       BTFSS   Option_Jumper

                       BSF     Config_Data,0

; Load DMX512 start address

                       BCF     Hundreds_Digit        ; Select hundreds digit

                       NOP                           ; Let things stabilize

                       COMF    PORTB,W               ; Read and complement BCD value

                       ANDLW   H'0F'                 ; Mask off upper nibble

                       MOVWF   BCD_Digit_H           ; Save hundreds digit

                       BSF     Hundreds_Digit        ; Deselect hundreds digit



                       BCF     Tens_Digit            ; Select tens digit

                       NOP                           ; Let things stabilize

                       COMF    PORTB,W               ; Read and complement BCD value

                       ANDLW   H'0F'                 ; Mask off upper nibble

                       MOVWF   BCD_Digit_T           ; Save tens digit

                       BSF     Tens_Digit            ; Deselect tens digit



                       BCF     Ones_Digit            ; Select ones digit

                       NOP                           ; Let things stabilize

                       COMF    PORTB,W               ; Read and complement BCD value

                       ANDLW   H'0F'                 ; Mask off upper nibble

                       MOVWF   BCD_Digit_O           ; Save ones digit

                       BSF     Ones_Digit            ; Deselect ones digit

                       CALL    BCD_To_Binary         ; Convert BCD digits to binary

                       MOVF    BCD_H_Byte,F          ; Check range of start address

                       BTFSC   STATUS,Z              ; Must be between 1 and 497

                       GOTO    Check_For_Zero        ; If > 497 then set to 497

                       MOVF    BCD_H_Byte,W          ; If < 1 then set to 1

                       SUBLW   Range_Const_H

                       BTFSS   STATUS,C

                       GOTO    Set_H_Byte

                       MOVF    BCD_L_Byte,W

                       SUBLW   Range_Const_L

                       BTFSS   STATUS,C

                       GOTO    Set_L_Byte

                       GOTO    Store_DMX_Address

Set_H_Byte             MOVLW   Range_Const_H

                       MOVWF   BCD_H_Byte

Set_L_Byte             MOVLW   Range_Const_L

                       MOVWF   BCD_L_Byte

                       GOTO    Store_DMX_Address

Check_For_Zero         MOVF    BCD_L_Byte,F

                       BTFSS   STATUS,Z

                       GOTO    Store_DMX_Address

                       MOVLW   H'01'

                       MOVWF   BCD_L_Byte

Store_DMX_Address      MOVF    BCD_L_Byte,W

                       MOVWF   DMX_Start_Addr_L      ; Store DMX address

                       MOVF    BCD_H_Byte,W

                       MOVWF   DMX_Start_Addr_H

; Load DMX512 start code

Store_DMX_Start_Code   MOVLW   0                     ; Start code of 0 = dimmer data

                       MOVWF   DMX_Start_Code        ; Store DMX start code

; Initialize UART

                       BSF     STATUS,RP0

                       MOVLW   Baud_Rate_Constant

                       MOVWF   SPBRG

                       BSF     TXSTA,BRGH

                       BCF     TXSTA,SYNC

                       BSF     PIE1,RCIE

                       BCF     STATUS,RP0

                       BSF     RCSTA,RX9

                       BSF     RCSTA,CREN

                       BSF     RCSTA,SPEN

; Initialize timer 1

                       CLRF    T1CON

                       BSF     T1CON,T1CKPS1         ; Select prescale of 4

                       BSF     T1CON,TMR1ON          ; Turn on the timer

; Initialize interrupts

                       CLRF    INTCON

                       BSF     INTCON,PEIE

                       BSF     INTCON,GIE            ; Enable interrupts


                       CLRF    DAC_Count             ; Start with DAC 0

                       MOVLW   Dimmer_Data

                       MOVWF   FSR


                       BCF     STATUS,C              ; Shift in the DAC number

                       MOVLW   H'05'                 ; Skip over 5 MSB's

                       MOVWF   Loop1

Shift_Address          RLF     DAC_Count,F

                       DECFSZ  Loop1,F

                       GOTO    Shift_Address

                       MOVLW   H'03'                 ; Load our DAC number

                       MOVWF   Loop1

Address_Load           RLF     DAC_Count,F

                       BCF     SDI

                       BTFSC   STATUS,C

                       BSF     SDI


                       BSF     Clock


                       BCF     Clock

                       DECFSZ  Loop1,F

                       GOTO    Address_Load

                       RLF     DAC_Count,F           ; Get original value back

                       MOVF    INDF,W               

                       MOVWF   Rx_Data

                       BTFSC   Config_Data,0         ; Do we complement data ?

                       COMF    Rx_Data,F             ; Yes

                       BCF     STATUS,C              ; Shift in dimmer value

                       MOVLW   H'08'

                       MOVWF   Loop1

Data_Load              RLF     Rx_Data,F

                       BCF     SDI

                       BTFSC   STATUS,C

                       BSF     SDI


                       BSF     Clock


                       BCF     Clock

                       DECFSZ  Loop1,F

                       GOTO    Data_Load

                       RLF     Rx_Data,F             ; Get original value back

                       BTFSC   DAC_Count,3           ; Strobe the correct DAC

                       GOTO    Strobe_DAC2

                       BCF     Load1_Bar


                       BSF     Load1_Bar

                       GOTO    Inc_DAC_Count

Strobe_DAC2            BCF     Load2_Bar


                       BSF     Load2_Bar

Inc_DAC_Count          INCF    DAC_Count,F

                       INCF    FSR,F

Finished_All_DACS      MOVF    DAC_Count,W           ; Have we updated all

                       XORLW   Number_Of_DACS        ;    16 DACS ?

                       BTFSS   STATUS,Z

                       GOTO    Next_DAC              ; No

                       GOTO    Main                  ; Yes

BCD_To_Binary          CLRF    BCD_H_Byte            ; Clear high value

                       MOVF    BCD_Digit_H,W         ; Move hundreds digit

                       MOVWF   BCD_L_Byte            ;     to low value

                       CALL    Mult_x_10             ; Multiply result by ten

                       MOVF    BCD_Digit_T,W         ; Add tens digit

                       ADDWF   BCD_L_Byte,F          ;     to result

                       CALL    Mult_x_10             ; Multiply result by ten

                       MOVF    BCD_Digit_O,W         ; Add ones digit

                       ADDWF   BCD_L_Byte,F          ;     to result

                       BTFSC   STATUS,C              ; Has the result overflowed ?

                       INCF    BCD_H_Byte,F          ; Yes, increment high byte


Mult_x_10              MOVF    BCD_L_Byte,W          ; Save

                       MOVWF   Mult_Temp_L           ;     original

                       MOVF    BCD_H_Byte,W          ;         values

                       MOVWF   Mult_Temp_H

                       BCF     STATUS,C              ; Clear status

                       RLF     BCD_L_Byte,F          ; Rotate to

                       RLF     BCD_H_Byte,F          ;     multiply by two

                       BCF     STATUS,C              ; Clear status

                       RLF     BCD_L_Byte,F          ; Rotate to

                       RLF     BCD_H_Byte,F          ;     multiply by two

                       MOVF    Mult_Temp_L,W         ; Load original low byte

                       ADDWF   BCD_L_Byte,F          ; Add to new low byte

                       BTFSS   STATUS,C              ; Did a carry occur?

                       GOTO    Continue              ; No, continue....

                       INCF    BCD_H_Byte,F          ; Yes, increment high byte

Continue               MOVF    Mult_Temp_H,W         ; Load original high byte

                       ADDWF   BCD_H_Byte,F          ; Add to new high byte

                       BCF     STATUS,C              ; Clear status

                       RLF     BCD_L_Byte,F          ; Rotate to

                       RLF     BCD_H_Byte,F          ;     multiply by two

                       RETURN                        ; Data is now multiplied by ten


DMX512 to Analog Voltage Converter (Version 1.12, December 31, 2001)


    1. General Description

    2. PIC Microcontroller

    3. RS-485 Differential Receiver

    4. BCD Input Switches

    5. Status LEDs

    6. Relay Outputs/Option Switch

    7. Digital to Analog Converters

    8. DAC Reference Voltage

    9. Channel Output Buffers

1.  General Description

    1.1  The circuit presented here implements a DMX512 to analog voltage


2.  PIC Microcontroller

    2.1  The heart of this DMX receiver is a Microchip PIC16F876

         microcontroller.  The 16F876 was chosen for primarily two reasons.

         One, it has a built in UART; and two, the UART is capable of

         receiving 250 kbps with no speed error (@ 20 MHz).

3.  RS-485 Differential Receiver

    3.1  This RS-485 transceiver (75176B) provides the necessary conversion

         from the RS-485 voltage specification to a standard TTL level.  This

         signal is connected to the PICs UART receive data input (pin 18).

4.  BCD Input Switches

    4.1  BCD Switch Decoding


             Output         BCD Switch Common


         Port B, pin 6      Start Address Hundreds

         Port B, pin 5      Start Address Tens

         Port B, pin 4      Start Address Ones

         BCD Switch          PIC

           Input            Input


          Binary 1      Port B, pin 0

          Binary 2      Port B, pin 1

          Binary 4      Port B, pin 2

          Binary 8      Port B, pin 3

    4.2  DMX Start Address Switches

         4.2.1  These three BCD switches provide input for setting the

                starting DMX address.

5.  Status LEDs

    5.1  Data Received LED

         5.1.1  This signal is provided by output RB7 (pin 28).

         5.1.2  This LED illuminates anytime a DMX signal is being received.

    5.2  Hardware Overrun LED

         5.2.1  This signal is provided by output RC4 (pin 15).

         5.2.2  This LED will illuminate if data is being received faster than

                the hardware UART is configured to handle.  During normal

                program execution this LED should never illuminate.

    5.3  Software Overrun LED

         5.3.1  This signal is provided by output RC5 (pin 16).

         5.3.2  This LED will illuminate if data is being received faster than

                the interrupt handler/main program loop can handle.  During

                normal program execution this LED should never illuminate.

6.  Relay Outputs/Option Switch

    6.1  Relay Outputs

         6.1.1  These signals are provided by outputs RC0 and RC1 (pins 11,12).

         6.1.2  These outputs are for future use.  At the present time, they

                provide a logic high when a DMX signal is being received,

                logic low otherwise.

    6.2  Option Switch

         6.2.1  This signal is present on input RC2 (pin 13).

         6.2.2  This switch is read upon reset of the PIC.  If this signal is

                at logic high, then the data received in the DMX data stream

                is sent to the DACs "as is".  This results in a linear

                relationship between the DAC output voltages and DMX dimmer

                values.  If this signal is at logic low, then the data

                received is complemented before it is sent to the DACs.  This

                results in an inverse relationship between the DAC output

                voltages and DMX dimmer values.

7.  Digital to Analog Converters

    7.1  The digital to analog conversion is provided by a pair of Analog

         Devices DAC8800s.  Each DAC8800 provides eight outputs, thus

         bringing the total number of channels to sixteen.

    7.2  DAC/PIC Interfacing

         7.2.1  Clear

        The clear pins (pin 12) of both DAC8800s are tied

                         together and are driven by output RA0 (pin 2) of the


         7.2.2  Clock

        The clock pins (pin 9) of both DAC8800s are tied

                         together and are driven by output RA1 (pin 3) of the


         7.2.3  SDI

        The serial data in pins (pin 8) of both DAC8800s are

                         tied together and are driven by output RA2 (pin 4)

                         of the PIC.

         7.2.4  Load

        The load pin (pin 13) of the first DAC8800

                         (channels 1-8) is driven by ouput RA5 (pin 7) of the


        The load pin (pin 13) of the second DAC8800

                         (channels 9-16) is driven by ouput RA3 (pin 5) of the


8.  DAC Reference Voltage

    8.1  The voltage reference provided to the DAC8800s is obtained from a

         resistive voltage divider and buffered by an Analog Devices OP284

         operational amplifier.  The same voltage reference is provided to

         both DAC8800s.

         Use of other op amps (less expensive) is possible.  Use of these was

         due to samples on hand.

9.  Channel Output Buffers

    9.1  The outputs from each DAC channel are routed through an Analog

         Devices OP484 operational amplifier.  This op amp buffers the DAC

         output and provides the DAC with a high impedance load.

         Use of other op amps (less expensive) is possible.  Use of these was

         due to samples on hand.